Hello, I’m the writer and children’s author Scott Allen, feel free to have a good poke about my site. You might find something interesting…you might not.
My website contains a mixture of news, events, llamas, video, articles, writing tips, biscuits and anything else that takes my interest.
You might even be here because you want me to do some writing for you or your business. Go to my writing page for more details of my corporate work. I’m available at a very reasonable rate and always happy to discuss and brainstorm new projects.
I also want to hear your opinions, ideas and feedback so send me a message on the contact me page. It’s very simple to use.
The books
Llama United
My first novel, Llama United, is published by Macmillan and is available in bookshops, supermarkets and online.
It’s about a team of llamas that become brilliant at football. With the help of their 12-year-old coach Tim Gravy, his friend Cairo and a grumpy Scottish football manager McCloud they enter the team of llamas in the Cup. But hello, nobody wants to lose to a team of llamas do they? You can read about the team here.
Llamas Go Large
My second book, Llamas Go Large, also on Macmillan, is also available from the places above. It’s the second book in the ‘Llama Series’. Make sure you read this one after the first one. The llamas go to the World Cup, which comes round every four years, so you should at least read this once every four years.

On Your Marks, Get Set…Gold!
My first non-fiction book – On Your Marks, Get Set…Gold! is out May 2020, published by Nosy Crow. Out just time for the Summer Olympics, which is lucky. You want a funny and fact-filled guide to all the Olympic and Paralympic sports? Then this is perfect for you. Yes, even speed climbing has its own page.

If you want to find out more about me and what I’m all about, go to the about page and read the interview I’ve done with myself.
Thanks for getting this far down the page, I hope you enjoy the rest of the site.